Message from the CEO
As CEO of this organisation, I can assure students that I will fully support the implementation of all quality, management and operational functions articulated in this student handbook I welcome your input and will ensure myself and the Swiss Institute team adhere to our underlying philosophy of continuous quality improvement in all aspects of Swiss Institute’s operations.
This student handbook provides the direction that informs and guides Swiss Insititute towards the provision of best practice in training development, management and service delivery.
For Swiss Insititute, it will facilitate compliance with the standards regulated by the Australian Skills Quality Authority. For clients of Swiss Insititute, it will ensure that their investment in training provides the best possible training experience and outcomes.
Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA) is the national regulator for Australia’s vocational education and training sector. ASQA regulates courses and training providers according to the Standards for Registered Training Organisations 2015 to ensure nationally approved quality standards for training are met. The focus of these standards is the demonstration of preparedness of registered training organisations to deliver quality training and assessment services and focus on continuous improvement.
Currently Swiss Institute Australia is able to offer students accredited training in the following:
- BSB51918 Diploma of Leadership and Management
- BSB50215 Diploma of Business
- BSB51415 Diploma of Project Management
- BSB60215 Advance Diploma of Business
- BSB61218 Advance Diploma of Program Management
- BSB61015 Advance Diploma of Leadership and Management
- SIT30816- Certificate III in Commercial Cookery
- SIT40516- Certificate IV in Commercial Cookery
- SIT50416- Diploma of Hospitality Management
Swiss Institute Australia recognises the importance and benefits of combining industry experience with tertiary education when striving to deliver programs of highest quality and relevance to the client. All trainers and assessors employed or contracted by Swiss Institute Australia have demonstrated significant industry experience in addition to obtaining tertiary qualifications, allowing them to provide a professional, well rounded learning environment for participants.
Staff are equipped with the skills to ensure their teaching methods are suitable for all participants, utilising simple language where appropriate to communicate information most effectively. Swiss Institute Australia strictly adheres to the SRTO to continue delivering training services of the highest quality to their clients.
The CEO recognises that opportunities for improvement arise in every aspect of business and has developed an organisational culture within Swiss Institute Australia to capitalise on these opportunities for improved practice.
Swiss Institute Australia supplies feedback forms to all students at the end of each program, as participant feedback has been identified as an important and valuable factor in monitoring and developing business practices and quality training, ensuring the ever-changing needs and expectations of clients are being met.
The CEO also welcomes feedback from other improvement opportunities such as risk assessment, student suggestions, complaints and appeals, validation sessions and audit reports.
As a student with Swiss Institute Australia, your feedback is critical to our continuous improvement policy. Along with the formal feedback mentioned earlier, students are encouraged to give feedback throughout their enrolment.
In order to encourage and achieve continuous improvement based on the collection of the above-mentioned data, Swiss Institute Australia has developed a best practice register which will include a written record of all improvement strategies.
1.2.3 Organisation chart
This organisational chart illustrates the two-way lines of communication between the CEO, management and trainers which ensures the decision making of senior management is informed by the experiences of its trainers and assessors.
Legislative Requirements
Registered training organisations are subject to legislation pertaining to training and assessment, as well as business practice. Swiss Institute Australia will comply with relevant Commonwealth, State or Territory legislation and regulatory requirements relevant to its intended scope of registration.
Swiss Institute Australia will also inform all staff and clients of the legislative and regulatory requirements that affect their duties or participation in vocational education and training. Swiss Institute Australia recognises that compliance with legislative requirements underpins the effective implementation of its operations and ensures accountability and transparency of activities of both management and staff.
Complying with Legislation
Staff will be advised at induction and kept up-to-date with changes to legislation through monthly management meetings and written correspondence. Policies and procedures and associated tools and templates will be updated to reflect updates to legislation as soon practical following advice. Any training that is required will be organised in a professional and timely manner.
All staff are encouraged to view current legislation online at:
Examples of legislation relevant to the training business and its staff includes but is not limited to:
Commonwealth legislation:
- Copyright Act 1968
- Commonwealth Privacy Act 1988/Privacy Amendment Act 2012/Privacy Regulation 2013
- Commonwealth Sex Discrimination Act 1984
- Commonwealth Racial Discrimination Act 1975
- Commonwealth Age Discrimination Act 2004
- Commonwealth Disability Discrimination Act 1992
- National Vocational Education and Training Regulator Act 2011
- Standards for VET Regulators 2015
- Standards for registered Training Organisations 2015
VIC legislation:
- Commission for Children and Young People Act 2000
- Disability Services Act 2006
- Anti-Discrimination Act 1991
- Fair Trading Act 1989
- Further Education and Training Act 2014
- Work Health and Safety Act 2011
Training authorities / regulators:
- National VET Regulator (NVR)
- Department of Education and Training
- Department of Employment
- Australian Skills Quality Authority (ASQA)
- Council of Australian Governments Industry and Skills Council (COAGISC)
Work, Health and Safety Policy
The Work Health and Safety Act 2011 outlines the requirements of an RTO in establishing and maintaining workplace health and safety standards. The requirements of an RTO as specified in the above mentioned Act are to: · Secure the health, safety and welfare of employees and other persons at work · Eliminate, at the source, risks to health, safety or welfare of employees and other persons at work · Ensure that the health and safety of members of the public is not placed at risk by the conduct of undertakings by employers and self employed persons · Provide for the involvement of employees, employers, and organisations representing those persons, in the formulation and implementation of health, safety and welfare standards. |
Swiss Institute Australia has initiated procedures, policies, guidelines and work instructions, practicing an ongoing commitment to workplace health and safety including each site used for training delivery.
The following presents a strategic overview of Swiss Institute Australia ’s safety system and provides guidance for meeting the requirements of Work Health and Safety Act on Swiss Institute Australia ’s premises thereby ensuring a high standard of workplace health and safety at all times.
It is obligation under legislation that all Swiss Institute Australia employees and management contribute to and assist in maintaining workplace health and safety and risk management operations as part of their role within the RTO. Swiss Institute Australia management is responsible for providing the following standards as part of its commitment to employees and clients:
- A safe workplace, with a safe system of work
- Adequate workplace health and safety professional development for Swiss Institute Australia students, employees, management and stakeholders
- Properly maintained facilities and equipment
- A clean, tidy, suitably designed workplace with the safe storage of goods.
The following procedures and standards are observed by Swiss Institute Australia to achieve a safe working and learning environment:
- Maintain a safe, clean and efficient working environment
- Evacuation plan (fire, bomb, major incident)
- Emergency control
- Accident / Incident reporting
- Rehabilitation
- Risk identification reporting
- PPE / chemicals (storage)
- Manual handling techniques and training
- Store and dispose of waste according to WHS regulations
- Equipment checks and maintenance
- Equipment safe storage
- Fire hazards identified and fire prevention
- Student safety
- Unsafe situations identified and reported
- First aid and safety procedures displayed, for all Swiss Institute Australia staff and student’s to see
Harassment and Discrimination Policy
Under Australian law it is a requirement of every workplace to ensure it provides an environment free from all forms of harassment and discrimination, including victimisation and bullying. In doing so, all staff and students are treated fairly and have the opportunity to feel safe, valued and respected. By definition, harassment includes any form of behaviour that is unwanted, unwelcome or unreciprocated by relevant persons. This may manifest as verbal or physical harassment, but includes any acts that may be perceived as humiliating, offensive, intimidating, threatening, discriminatory or otherwise contributing to an unpleasant workplace or experience for the persons. |
At Swiss Institute Australia it is made known that in the event that a person considers that he or she has been or is being harassed, this person should be encouraged to inform the other party that their behaviour is objectionable and should not be continued, provided they are comfortable with confronting the offender. In instances where the person is not comfortable discussing the matter with the offending party, a trainer or other Swiss Institute Australia staff member should be informed of the situation. In this case it becomes the responsibility of the relevant staff member to follow Swiss Institute Australia policy and procedures to rectify the situation.
All students and staff working with Swiss Institute Australia have the right to discuss matters of harassment with the relevant members of staff without making a formal complaint; all discussions are dealt with in confidentiality. The right to lodge a formal complaint of misconduct against the offending party is available and will be actioned according to Swiss Institute Australia policy and procedures.
Swiss Institute Australia ensures that all staff are adequately trained in dealing with harassment and discrimination in order to fulfil their roles and responsibilities in creating and contributing to a harassment and discrimination free workplace. In addition to relevant training, Swiss Institute Australia management provides opportunities for communication and mentoring amongst staff to ensure that all employees understand and correctly apply the processes and procedures involved in identifying and addressing of all forms of harassment and discrimination.
Swiss Institute Australia staff and students should be aware of the following definitions:
Racial harassment
Involves a person or persons being threatened, abused, insulted or taunted in relation to their race, descent, nationality, colour, language, ethnic origin or any other racial characteristic. It may include but is not limited to; derogatory remarks, innuendo or slur, gestures, intolerance, mockery, displays of material prejudice towards a race, racial jokes, discrimination, exclusion, allocation of least favourable jobs or positions, or unfair treatment.
Sexual harassment
Involves any verbal or physical conduct of a sexual nature, which is inappropriate, unwelcome or uninvited. It may include but is not limited to; sexually related physical contact such as kissing, embracing, pinching or other suggestive gestures, intimidation, coercion, requests for or promising of sexual favours, questions about a person's private or sexual life, sexist or explicit jokes, unwelcome phone calls, emails or other forms of non-work related communication, offensive noises, or displays of sexually graphic or suggestive material.
Involves any behaviour that suggests a real or perceived power over another party, or otherwise undermines a person or group, generally comprised of repeated, persistent acts over a period of time. It may include, but is not limited to; verbal abuse, physical assault, intimidation, humiliation, unjustified criticism, sarcasm, insults, false or malicious rumours, exclusion or isolation, inflicting unnecessary work stresses, or sabotage of a person's work or their ability to work by withholding resources or information.
Relates to privacy of information, ensuring that the information is only accessible to those who have the authority to access it. Within an RTO this may refer to private verbal discussions, student assessments, managerial decisions and legal proceedings.
Involves the unfair or unequal treatment of another person based solely on class or category. Equal opportunity laws prohibit discrimination on the grounds of sex, marital status, pregnancy, family responsibility, family status, race, religious beliefs, political conviction, gender history, impairment, age or sexual orientation. All forms of victimisation are also treated as a type of discrimination.
Involves any behaviour intended to disturb, offend or upset. It may include any unwelcome or uninvited verbal or physical action that results in a person feeling intimidated, offended, humiliated or embarrassed. Equal opportunity laws prohibit harassment on the grounds of sex and race.
Refers to all employees and contractors of Swiss Institute Australia .
Involves any process that results in the unfavourable treatment of a person on unjust terms. It may include, but is not limited to; unfair punishment, treating a person poorly for their involvement in a complaint, to swindle or defraud a person, adverse changes to another’s work environment, or denial of access to work related resources.
Specific principles:
- It is the right of all staff and students to work and study in an environment free of any form of harassment and discrimination
- All reports of harassment and discrimination will be treated seriously, in an unbiased, respectful and sensitive manner. Any form of harassment and discrimination is considered unacceptable behaviour and will not be tolerated by Swiss Institute Australia
- When Swiss Institute Australia management is informed of any event involving harassment or discrimination, it is their responsibility to take immediate and appropriate action to address it
- In dealing with all complaints, the rights of all individuals involved should be respected and confidentiality should be maintained
- It is the intention of Swiss Institute Australia management that a process of discussion, cooperation and conciliation will resolve all complaints. The aim is to achieve an acceptable outcome for the involved parties while minimising any potential damage to the organisation
- Both the person making the complaint and the person against whom the complaint has been made will receive information, support and assistance in resolving the issue from Swiss Institute Australia management
- Victimisation is unacceptable and will not be tolerated. No person making a complaint or assisting in the investigation of a complaint should be victimised
- Harassment or discrimination should not be confused with legitimate comment and advice (including constructive feedback) given appropriately by management or trainers. Managers and trainers should be conscious of how they present their feedback to ensure the message is not misinterpreted
- Staff and students should not make any frivolous or malicious complaints. All staff and students are expected to participate in the complaint resolution process in confidence that the procedures are designed to ensure fair resolution
Working with Persons Under 18 Years of Age
Swiss Institute does NOT accept Students under 18 years of age into Swiss Institute Australia. According to the law, a child is considered any individual less than 18 years of age.
Swiss Institute Australia will ensure that all students are protected from all forms of harm, including bullying, harassment, discrimination and intimidation. All staff are required to report to Swiss Institute Australia management any behaviour that can reasonably be considered harmful or potentially harmful to students, or where it is reasonable to believe that a student has been harmed or requires protection from harm.
Consumer Rights
Consumer protection
On 1 January 2011, the Australian Consumer Law commenced and the Trade Practices Act 1974 was repealed and replaced by the Competition and Consumer Act 2010. The Australian Consumer Law provides for:
- National consumer protection and fair-trading laws
- Enhanced enforcement powers and redress mechanisms
- A national unfair contract terms law
- A new national product safety regime
- A new national consumer guarantees law
Contractual agreement
Students who enrol in a training program with Swiss Institute Australia should be aware that they are entering into a contractual agreement. With a view to ensuring all students are fully aware of their rights and obligations, Swiss Institute Australia will design agreements, enrolment forms, service agreements or similar using a logical format and simple English. This may include, but is not limited to:
- Wording that allows the perspective student to know what he / she is agreeing to
- Clearly explained disclaimers
- No misleading or deceptive behaviour
- No actions, omissions or dialogue (written or verbal) that may force or coerce the student
- Fair dealings for disadvantaged students
Privacy Principles
The Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (Privacy Amendment Act) made many significant changes to the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). These changes commenced on 12 March 2014. The Privacy Regulation 2013, made under the Privacy Act, also commenced on 12 March 2014.
Privacy Principles that are strictly applied to all aspects of Swiss Institute Australia ’s operations include:
Swiss Institute Australia will only collect necessary information pertaining to one or more specific operations. The student will be informed as to the purpose for which details are being collected.
Use and disclosure
Swiss Institute Australia will ensure student personal information is not used or disclosed for secondary purposes without obtaining explicit consent from the student, unless a prescribed exception applies.
Data quality
Swiss Institute Australia will take all reasonable measures to ensure that all students' personal information that is collected, used or disclosed is accurate, current and complete.
Data security
Swiss Institute Australia will take all reasonable measures to ensure all collected students' personal information is protected from misuse, loss or damage, and that all data and record storage is secure from unauthorised access, modification or disclosure.
Swiss Institute Australia will maintain documentation which detail how students' personal information is collected, managed and used. When a student makes an enquiry in relation to information collected, Swiss Institute Australia will explain what information is held, for what purpose it is held and what procedures outline the collection and use of information.
Access and correction
Swiss Institute Australia will allow students access to personal information held in all circumstances unless prescribed exceptions apply. If the student identifies errors within the information, Swiss Institute Australia will correct and update to file.
Unique identifiers
Swiss Institute Australia will not assign students unique identifiers except when it is necessary for efficiency of operations. Commonwealth Government identifiers, such as Medicare numbers or Tax File Numbers, will only be used for the purposes of which they were issued.
Swiss Institute Australia will provide students the opportunity to interact with the business without requiring the student to make their identity known in any circumstances it is practical and possible to do so.
Trans-border data flows
Swiss Institute Australia privacy protection principles apply to the transfer of data throughout Australia.
Sensitive information
Swiss Institute Australia will request specific consent from a student in circumstances where it is necessary to collect sensitive information. Sensitive information may include, but is not limited to; information relating to a student’s health, criminal record, racial or ethnic background.
Student progress
Students have the right to request information about or have access to their own individual records. Swiss Institute Australia trainers and assessors or administration staff will provide the requested information or access. Students also have the right to request a hardcopy of their own individual file that can be supplied as a printout from records retained within the data management system.
Please feel free to ask your Swiss Institute Australia trainer and assessor or administration staff at any time for a printout of your progress.
Fee Structure
Total course fee
Each qualification, unit of competency or accredited course offered by Swiss Institute Australia has a specific course fee. The course fee is the maximum fee that may be charged to the student for his/her selected training program. It is Swiss Institute Australia policy that the course fee will be all-inclusive. Students will not be 'surprised' by unexpected requirements, fees or expenses. Where additional resources normally associated with a program of study are required (for example; reference material, research documents, own computer) the student will be clearly advised of exactly what is required in the student study guide for that program. Re-print certification Where the student requests a new copy of his / her certification, the following fees apply:- Statement of attainment $25.00+GST
- Qualification (with academic transcript) $40.00+GST
Swiss Institute Australia will protect fees paid in advance and has a fair and reasonable refund policy. Please see the Course information documentation for details on our refund policy.Records
Swiss Institute Australia has a clearly documented quality administrative and records management system in place to secure the accuracy, integrity and currency of records, to keep documentation up-to-date and to secure any confidential information obtained by Swiss Institute Australia and committees, individuals or organisations acting on its behalf. Data is collected and stored in accordance with the processes outlined in this document and Swiss Institute Australia’s record management procedures ensure timely and accurate records inform the continuous improvement processes of Swiss Institute Australia. In addition, these records management procedures will ensure that all documentation providing evidence of compliance to the essential standards of registration is accurately maintained.Record keeping Procedures
Swiss Institute Australia has a clearly documented quality administrative and records management system in place to secure the accuracy, integrity and currency of records, to keep documentation up-to-date and to secure any confidential information obtained by Swiss Institute Australia and committees, individuals or organisations acting on its behalf. Upon enrolment, student’s details will be entered into the Swiss Institute Australia database system. This process initiates the establishment of the student’s individual file which is then used to record all future details pertaining to the client. The file is retained by Swiss Institute Australia and management of the file will be in accordance with the Swiss Institute Australia training records policy. Swiss Institute Australia is committed to maintaining the accuracy, integrity and currency of all student files, as well as ensuring appropriate security of all records to uphold confidentiality. Completed assessments Each and every assessment submitted by every student will be retained for a minimum period of six (6) months. At the expiration of six (6) months period, the student's assessments will be securely destroyed, however, the Students results and sufficient personal information as to allow for the reprinting of Statements of Attainment and Certificates or Diplomas awarded will be scanned and stored electronically for thirty (30) years. When in paper format, student’s work will be filed according to the competency/unit number, competency/unit cluster or alphabetically according to the students’ names. Individual student records will be stored in a lockable steel filing cabinet in a locked secure office area. If the files are stored in a location where student or public access is possible, the cabinets will remain locked. For ease of application and consistency, a similar filing process will be used for electronic files. The electronic records are stored utilising AVETMISS compliant software and access is restricted by a password system. Security Swiss Institute Australia ensures further security of records by complying with the storage requirements detailed in ASQA's General directive: Retention requirements for completed student assessment items, 22 June 2012. This directive includes requirements for storage including: safeguards against unauthorised access, fire, flood, termites or any other pests, and to ensure that copies of records can be produced if the originals are destroyed or inaccessible. Swiss Institute Australia enhances its compliance with this directive by protecting electronic files with up-to-date virus protection, firewall and spy ware protection software. The data management system is Cloud based and offers the security and integrity expected of a reputable Cloud storage system. Swiss Institute Australia software and hardcopy systems will retain student’s results for a period of no less than thirty (30) years. If requested, enrolment information, training and assessment information or results of assessment will be provided in electronic format wherever possible. Ceasing operation In the event that Swiss Institute Australia ceases to operate, its records will be transferred to ASQA in the appropriate format and detail as specified by the Department at the time of ceasing RTO operations. All other records including training records, taxation records, business and commercial records will be retained for a period of at least seven (7) years. Swiss Institute Australia will ensure that any confidential information acquired by the business, individuals, committees or organisations acting on its behalf is securely stored Access to Records Swiss Institute Australia has implemented a record management system that ensures that all students have access to accurate information regarding their learning in a timely fashion. To ensure this, employees are informed of their responsibilities for record keeping and the process is monitored through the continuous improvement process and improved where necessary. This section outlines the data management procedures that support our records management system. Access to student records Access to individual student training records will be limited to those required by the Standards of RTOs 2015, such as:- Trainers and assessors to access and update the records of the students whom they are working with
- Management staff as required to ensure the smooth and efficient operation of the business
- Officers of ASQA or their representatives for activities required under the standards for registered training organisations
Student Access to Records
Students have the right to request information about or have access to their own individual records. Swiss Institute Australia trainers and assessors or administration staff will provide the requested information or access. Students also have the right to request a hard copy of their own individual file that can be supplied as a printout from records retained within the data management system. You should feel free to ask your Swiss Institute Australia trainer and assessor or administration staff at any time for a printout of your progress.Privacy
Swiss Institute Australia considers student privacy to be of utmost importance and will practice a high standard of care and concern in regard to maintaining student privacy in all aspects of business operations. Any persons external to the organisation acting on behalf of Swiss Institute Australia are made aware of the confidentiality procedures and privacy policies prior to commencing work with Swiss Institute Australia . Swiss Institute Australia will comply with all legislative requirements including the Privacy Act 1988 (Commonwealth) and Australian Privacy Principles (2014). The Privacy Amendment (Enhancing Privacy Protection) Act 2012 (Privacy Amendment Act) made many significant changes to the Privacy Act 1988 (Privacy Act). These changes commenced on 12 March 2014. The Privacy Regulation 2013, made under the Privacy Act, also commenced on 12 March 2014. Swiss Institute Australia ensures no student information is disclosed without the student’s consent, except as required by law or in adherence to the Standards of RTOs 2015. Student consent must be obtained in writing from the student, unless the student is under the age of 18 years, in which case written consent from their parent or guardian must be obtained. Consent to disclosure of information forms and / or letters will be recorded.Recognise Qualifications of Another RTO
Swiss Institute Australia will recognise all AQF qualifications and statements of attainment issued by any other RTO. If any ambiguity is detected when validating a student’s certification, Swiss Institute Australia will seek verification from the relevant RTO before recognising the qualification or statement of attainment.Procedure for Recognition of Qualifications
Students enrolling with Swiss Institute Australia will be made aware of the recognition of qualifications policy by Swiss Institute Australia staff at the time of enrolment to offer the opportunity of recognition of relevant qualifications or statements of attainment prior to the commencement of training. Swiss Institute Australia trainers will remind students of the policy progressively throughout the duration of their course. When a student presents an AQF qualification or statement of attainment to a trainer or staff member, a copy of the certificates will be taken and submitted to Swiss Institute Australia for verification. Swiss Institute Australia will verify the authenticity of the qualification or statement of attainment. The verified copy of the qualification or statement of attainment is placed in the student’s file. Once verification of the qualification or statement of attainment has been established, Swiss Institute Australia staff will inform the student and offer exemption from the relevant unit(s) of competency. Staff will ensure the student is aware of and understands what component(s) of their training and assessment are affected. Swiss Institute Australia staff will update the student’s records accordingly.Credit Transfer
Credit transfer refers to the transferral of academic credit obtained by students through participation in courses or national training package qualifications with other RTOs, towards a qualification offered by Swiss Institute Australia. Credit transfer is granted on the basis that the credit validates the student’s competency within the relevant qualification / unit of competence. Credit transfer of a qualification / unit of competence is available to all students enrolling in any training program offered by Swiss Institute Australia.Unique Student Identifier
The Unique Student Identifier (USI) scheme, enabled by the Student Identifiers Act 2014, allows students to access a single online record of their VET achievements. The scheme also allows for reliable confirmation of these achievements by employers and other RTOs. The online system provides each student with a USI. The USI scheme will provide a national online authenticated record of student’s training attainment and will serve as a building block for a range of vocational education and training reforms. Over time, the ability of students to access and share their training records will make enrolment processes more efficient for training providers and students. Training providers will have access to an online information source to manage student transfers between training providers, and the assessment of credit transfer and pre-requisites. Swiss Institute Australia will only issue a qualification or statement of attainment to a student after the student has provided a verified USI or Swiss Institute Australia applies for a USI on behalf of the student. To avoid any delays in issuing certification documentation Swiss Institute Australia will ensure that student’s USIs are applied for or verified USI at the time of enrolment. Swiss Institute Australia will protect the security of all information related to USIs. Security measures are in place to protect both digital and hard-copy records from loss, damage or unauthorised access. Swiss Institute Australia stores paper based records in locked cabinets. Digital records are backed up on a Cloud system. All AQF certification documentation issued by Swiss Institute Australia is kept for 30 years. Where a qualification or statement of attainment is recorded in the USI scheme, Swiss Institute Australia does not retain additional records to demonstrate this because the required records will exist within the USI scheme. When reporting data about the training, each record of nationally recognised training that is provided to the national centre for vocational education research (NCVER) national VET provider collection will have a USI attached. This USI will used to draw down on this data collection in real time. This means that, in the future, students will be able to draw down a record of their VET achievements from one place. They can view this online or they can use the data to develop a transcript that they can attach to a job application, for example. The USI will be increasingly useful for Swiss Institute Australia when the data builds, Swiss Institute Australia (with the student’s permission) will be able to draw down information about that student’s previous VET attainments throughout Australia. This will assist with assessing student’s admission to courses, for credit transfer and in some circumstances, their eligibility for funding. More information is available from the Department of Industry’s website where a comprehensive video outlines the USI scheme for Swiss Institute Australia staff.Training and Assessment
Swiss Institute Australia is committed to delivering high quality training and assessment services that exceed the expectations of their students. To ensure this, Swiss Institute Australia has implemented processes for data collection and analysis within its operations that ensure the continuous improvement of training and assessment. Continuous improvement measures in this area respond to the results of data analysis and involve all internal and external stakeholder groups. The quality and continuous improvement policy and procedure defines the methods of data collection and analysis. In order to provide high quality outcomes to their clients and students Swiss Institute Australia ensures that strategies for training and assessment are developed with effective consultation with industry and stakeholders.Principles of Training and Assessment
Training and assessment strategies developed by Swiss Institute Australia will adhere to the following principles:- Training and assessment strategies are developed for each qualification / unit of competency that will be delivered and assessed
- All training programs will require the development of a training and assessment strategy for full and partial completion of a qualification
- Each training and assessment strategy will be developed in consultation with industry representatives, trainers, assessors and key stakeholders
- Training and assessment strategies will reflect the requirements of the relevant training package and will identify target groups
- Training and assessment strategies will be validated annually through the internal review procedures
- Fair
- Flexible
- Valid
- Reliable
- Assessment against the units of competency must cover the broad range of skills
- Knowledge that are essential to competent performance
- Assessment of knowledge and skills must be integrated with their practical application
- Judgement of competence must be based on sufficient evidence (that is, evidence gathered on a number of occasions and in a range of contexts using different assessment methods). The specific evidence requirements of each unit of competency provide advice on sufficiency
- Valid
- Sufficient
- Authentic
- Current
- Assessment against the units of competency must cover the broad range of skills
- Knowledge that are essential to competent performance
- Assessment of knowledge and skills must be integrated with their practical application
- Judgement of competence must be based on sufficient evidence (that is, evidence gathered on a number of occasions and in a range of contexts using different assessment methods). The specific evidence requirements of each unit of competency provide advice on sufficiency
Connecting Training and Assessment with the Workplace
To maximise the outcomes for students, Swiss Institute Australia ensures that every opportunity to connect training and assessment with the workplace is utilised. Opportunities will be developed in consultation with the relevant workplace personnel and responsibilities clearly communicated to all involved. To identify a range of delivery and assessment methods that meet a variety of needs, an ongoing schedule of industry liaison and consultation will be adhered to. These consultations will be documented with meetings and memorandums acknowledged by those industry and enterprise representatives involved in consultation relative to the development of assessment strategies. Students enrolled in a traineeship program will normally be working for an employer within the industry. In some circumstances, employers may offer a contribution towards the cost of training and assessment, which is encouraged by Swiss Institute Australia. Swiss Institute Australia will:- Involve workplace personnel in planning workplace programs, where they are relevant to the training and assessment program
- Ensure that the training and assessment program makes full use of opportunities at the workplace
- Monitor each student’s progress and the support provided to them by workplace personnel
- Consult with workplace personnel in the development of workplace training and assessment processes
- Inform workplace personnel of their training and assessment roles and responsibilities, and accept these responsibilities, where relevant to the training and assessment program
- Monitor support provided to each student by workplace personnel
- Monitor the student’s progress
Assessment Policy
Swiss Institute Australia acknowledges the critical role that assessment plays in determining the competency of students. In developing the assessment (including RPL) for each qualification and unit of competence, the CEO will ensure:- Compliance with the assessment guidelines from the relevant training package, qualification and unit of competence of accredited course
- Assessment leads to a qualification or statement of attainment under the Australian Qualifications Framework (AQF)
- Assessment complies with the principles of competency based assessment and informs the student of the purpose and context of the assessment
- The rules of evidence guide the collection of evidence to support the principles of validity and reliability
- The application of knowledge and skills is relevant to the standard expected in the workplace, including skills for managing work tasks, contingencies and the job environment
- Timely and appropriate feedback is given to students
- Assessment complies with Swiss Institute Australia ’s access and equity policy
- All students have access to re-assessment on appeal
Training Guarantee
It is the intention of the CEO of Swiss Institute Australia that all students will receive the full training services paid for at all times, including but not limited to training and assessment, assessment only, recognition of prior learning or short courses. The corporate structure, governance and financial management systems and processes guarantee the training for students enrolled with Swiss Institute Australia, specifically, the integrity, business experience and training expertise of the CEO ensure continuity of training and completion of training is guaranteed for all students. The continuous improvement and quality management practices employed by Swiss Institute Australia CEO and staff are designed to proactively identify any anomaly that might cause a business interruption or training failure, and address this situation before any students are affected. Third Party Training Where applicable, Swiss Institute Australia ’s Training Guarantee extends to training partners and training conducted by a third party on behalf of the RTO. At this time, Swiss Institute Australia does not engage third parties.
Recognition of prior learning
Recognition of prior learning means recognition of competencies currently held, regardless of how, when or where the learning occurred. These competencies may be attained through any combination of formal or informal training and education, work experience or general life experience. In order to grant RPL, the assessor must be confident that the student is currently competent against the endorsed industry or enterprise competency standards or outcomes specified in Australian Qualifications Framework accredited courses. The evidence may take a variety of forms and could include certification, references from past employers, testimonials from clients and work samples. The assessor must ensure that the evidence is authentic, valid, reliable, current and sufficient. Swiss Institute Australia appreciates the value of workplace and industry experience, and recognises that students will acquire vocational skills and knowledge from a variety of sources other than formal training. These skills are legitimate irrespective of how they were acquired and the RPL process is designed to provide validation of such relevant skills.Swiss Institute Australia ’s Recognition of Prior Learning Process
Recognition of Prior Learning (RPL) is an assessment process that assesses an individual’s formal, non-formal and informal learning to determine the extent to which that individual has achieved the required learning outcomes, competency outcomes, or standards for entry to, and / or partial or total completion of a VET qualification. The recognition of prior learning (RPL) process will be offered to and explained to all relevant students. All students will have access to Swiss Institute Australia’s RPL policy which is contained in the Swiss Institute Australia student handbook and is available on request. Students who believe they have already obtained current skills and knowledge that would otherwise be covered in the qualification / unit of competence for which they intend to attain, should apply for RPL at the time of enrolment. The student’s skills and knowledge will be assessed and validated, and where appropriate, units of competency acknowledged and face-to-face training reduced. As part of the Swiss Institute Australia enrolment policy, trainers will advise students of the availability of RPL policy, explain what the process involves and how it relates to the attainment of the qualification. Trainers will remind students of this option progressively throughout their time in training, in order to provide multiple opportunities for students to engage in the RPL process. When approached by a student seeking RPL, trainers will:- Provide the student with copies of an RPL Introduction Letter
- Provide the student with information about the types of evidence that can be used to support an RPL application
Client services
Swiss Institute Australia is committed to delivering high quality services that support students throughout their training and assessment. This commitment is based on a client focused operation that produces the best possible outcome for students. Swiss Institute Australia will ensure students are informed of the services they are to receive, their rights and obligations, and the responsibilities of the RTO.
Students who undertake training with Swiss Institute Australia receive every opportunity to successfully complete their chosen training program. Swiss Institute Australia will provide students with information prior to commencement of services including any subcontracting arrangements affecting the delivery of training and/or assessment.
Student advice
Swiss Institute Australia takes a systematic approach to establish and recognise the needs of each client. It is a requirement that all staff members do their utmost to meet the needs of students. Where a student’s need is outside the scope or skill of the organisation they will be referred to an appropriate service or an alternate training organisation.
Swiss Institute Australia delivers specialised training and assessment services[1]. As such, it is vital that all students are informed of and understand the extent of the training course that they are enrolling in. Swiss Institute Australia has in place a process and mechanism to provide all clients information about the training, assessment and support services to be provided, and about their rights and obligations, prior to enrolment or entering into an agreement.
In summary, Swiss Institute Australia will provide:
- Training programs and services that promote inclusion and are free from discrimination
- Support services, training, assessment and training materials to meet the needs of a variety of individual students
- Consideration of each individuals needs to provide the best opportunity for skill development and attainment of qualifications that can lead to further training or employment
- Opportunity for consultation between staff and students so that all aspects of individual circumstances can be taken into consideration when planning training programs
- Consideration of the views of students’ community, government agencies and organisations, and industry when planning training programs
- Access to information and course materials in a readily available, easily understood format
- Information to assist students in planning their pathway from school or the community to vocational education and training
While Swiss Institute Australia guarantees that all students will receive the full training services paid for, it does not guarantee a student will successfully complete the course in which they are enrolled or that the student will obtain a particular employment outcome outside the control of Swiss Institute Australia .
Student information policy
Swiss Institute Australia will provide all relevant information and directions to each student prior to enrolment as part of the student induction to enable the student to make informed decisions about undertaking training with Swiss Institute Australia. This information will be clear and readily available in print or referral to an electronic copy.
This will include details required to source the Swiss Institute Australia student handbook, available as PDF document on Swiss Institute Australia website.
Swiss Institute Australia will provide the following information specific to each student:
- the code, title and currency of the AQF qualification, skill set or VET course to which the student is to be enrolled, as published on the National Register the services the RTO will provide to the student including the:
- estimated duration of the services
- expected locations at which the services will be provided
- expected modes of delivery
- name and contact details of any subcontractor which will provide training and assessment to the student
- the student’s obligations including any requirements that Swiss Institute Australia requires the student to meet to enter and successfully complete their chosen AQF qualification, skill set or VET course
- any materials and equipment that the student must provide; the educational and support services available to the student
Where there are any changes to agreed services, Swiss Institute Australia will advise the student in writing and with a follow-up telephone call as soon as practicable, including in relation to any new third party arrangements or a change in ownership or changes to existing third party arrangements.
Client Selection and Enrolment Procedure
Client selection
Enrolment and admission into some Swiss Institute Australia training programs is subject to meeting certain prerequisite conditions and/or entry requirements. Specific details of the prerequisites pertaining to these training programs are contained in individual course documentation and are made available prior to enrolment.
In the case that a potential student does not meet the prerequisite conditions and/or entry requirements, Swiss Institute Australia staff will endeavour to assist them in understanding their options in regards to meeting the standards. Any questions regarding these arrangements can be addressed by trainers or Swiss Institute Australia management.
The enrolment procedure commences when a student contacts Swiss Institute Australia expressing interest in a training program(s). Swiss Institute Australia staff will respond by dispatching by suitable means an enrolment form, student handbook, literature on the program(s) being considered and any other documentation which may be relevant.
Enrolment applications will then be assessed to ensure that the student meets any prerequisites and/or entry requirements that have been set for the selected course. Students will be informed of successful enrolment and sent information on the course and their course induction. Students who do not meet the prerequisites for the selected course will be notified of their unsuccessful enrolment and invited to contact Swiss Institute Australia to discuss their training needs and alternative opportunities.
Pre-course evaluation checklist
A pre-course evaluation of each student is conducted. A personal face to face, (or Zoom meeting) is held with each student.
Questions are designed to identify the student's needs, so Swiss Institute Australia staff members can evaluate any requirements the student may have to improve his/her learning experience and outcome.
The outcome of this evaluation is called the Pre Training Review.
The designated Swiss Institute Australia staff member will receive and assess each student's pre-course evaluation checklist. Based on the information in the checklist, the enrolment form, interview, induction and any other relevant correspondence and conversation, Swiss Institute Australia staff and management may offer additional support. Examples of the support services may include:
- Study support and study skills programs
- Language, literacy and numeracy (LL&N) programs or referrals to appropriate programs
- Equipment, resources and / or programs to increase access for students with disabilities
- Learning resource centres
- Mediation services or referral to appropriate services
- Flexible scheduling and delivery of training and assessment
- Counselling services or referral to appropriate services
- Information technology support
- Learning materials in alternative formats i.e. large print
- Learning and assessment programs customised to the workplace
On successful completion of the enrolment process, all students will undergo an induction program including:
- Introduction to Swiss Institute Australia training staff
- Confirmation of the course being delivered
- The training and assessment procedures including method, format and purpose of assessment
- Qualifications to be issued
- Student handbook provided
Access and Equity
Swiss Institute Australia is committed to practicing fairness and providing an equal opportunity for all current and potential students to access and participate in learning, and to achieve their learning outcomes regardless of age, gender, cultural or ethnic background, disability, sexuality, language skills, literacy or numeracy level, unemployment, imprisonment or remote location that may present a barrier to access, or any other perceived difference in class or category.
Swiss Institute Australia ensures that its practices are as inclusive as possible and do not unreasonably prevent any clients from accessing its services. Swiss Institute Australia will address access and equity matters as a nominated part of operational duties.
If a student identifies with one or more of the following priority groups, he/she may be able to receive additional assistance:
- Aboriginal and / or Torres Strait Islander people
- Carers of people who are ill, aged or who have a disability
- People with a disability
- Women and girls who are returning to education and training
- Women and girls who are seeking training opportunities in non-traditional roles
- Young people aged 15 to 25
- Australian South Sea Islanders
- Parental job seekers
- People with English language, literacy and numeracy needs
- Mature aged workers who require up skilling
- Long term unemployed and disadvantaged jobseekers
- People from different cultural and ethnic backgrounds
- People who speak a language other than English
Swiss Institute Australia has developed this quality management and operational framework to guide and inform all staff and students in their obligations regarding access and equity.
Upon induction into Swiss Institute Australia, all staff is provided with copies of the policies which they must adhere to throughout all their operations as a Swiss Institute Australia staff member. Students are made aware of the access and equity policy via the Swiss Institute Australia student handbook, and informed of their rights to receive access and equity support and to request further information.
Swiss Institute Australia access and equity policies are in place to ensure that training opportunities are offered to all people on an equal and fair basis in all circumstances, irrespective of their gender, culture, linguistic background, race, socio-economic background, disability, age, marital status, pregnancy, sexual orientation or carer’s responsibilities.
Practicing these policies will guarantee that any student who meets Swiss Institute Australia entry requirements will be accepted into any training programs. If any student or staff member have issues or questions regarding access and equity, or believes they have been treated unfairly, they will be directed to Swiss Institute Australia’s management for consultation.
Language, Literacy and Numeracy Assistance
Swiss Institute Australia course information and learning materials contain written documentation and in some cases, numerical calculations.
Swiss Institute Australia recognises that not all students will have the same level of ability in relation to reading, writing and performing calculations. When an issue is identified by Swiss Institute Australia staff or requested by a student, a language, literacy and numeracy test will be provided to assess the student’s ability. This process is to ensure that all students who commence a training program possess the skills required to understand the presented material and complete assessments.
Swiss Institute Australia will endeavour to provide assistance to students having difficulty with language, literacy or numeracy to accommodate their needs. In the event that a student’s needs exceed the ability of Swiss Institute Australia staff to assist, the student will be referred to an external support agency so they have the opportunity to obtain the skills required to complete the training program.
Student support
Student support policy
Swiss Institute Australia will make all reasonable effort and utilise a variety of available methods to assist all students in their efforts to complete training programs. Swiss Institute Australia will determine the support needs of individual students and provides access to the educational and support services necessary for the individual student to meet the requirements of the AQF qualification, skill set or VET course as specified in training packages or VET accredited courses. Swiss Institute Australia will continue to develop strategies to make support available where gaps are identified.
Trainers are responsible for ensuring that all students are aware they can contact their trainer or other Swiss Institute Australia staff members in the event that they are experiencing difficulties with any aspect of their studies. Staff will ensure students have access to the full resources of Swiss Institute Australia to assist them in achieving the required level of competency in all nationally recognised qualifications.
In the event that a student is experiencing personal difficulties, training staff will encourage the student to contact Swiss Institute Australia who will provide discreet, personalised and confidential assistance as according to the nature of the difficulties.
In the event that a student’s needs exceed the capacity of the support services Swiss Institute Australia can offer, they will be referred to an appropriate external agency. Extensive information regarding support agencies, resources and services may be sourced online. Swiss Institute Australia staff members will assist students to source appropriate support.
Flexible delivery and assessment procedures
Swiss Institute Australia recognises that some people are better suited to learning via teaching methods not usually obtained in the traditional classroom setting. With some minor adjustments to teaching and assessment methods, a student who is experiencing difficulty learning and achieving the desired results in the traditional setting may show considerable improvements.
The staff and management of Swiss Institute Australia respect these differences among students and will endeavour to make any necessary adjustments to their methods in order to meet the needs of a variety of students. For example, the inability to complete a written assessment will not be interpreted as a sign of incompetence, provided the student can verbally demonstrate competency.
Acceptable adjustments to teaching and assessment methods may include, but are not limited to; having a trainer read assessment materials to students, having a student’s spoken responses to assessment questions recorded or allowing a student to sit for an assessment alone in a different room.
Swiss Institute Australia staff will pursue any reasonable means within their ability to assist students in achieving the required competency standards. In the event that a student’s needs exceed the capacity of the support services Swiss Institute Australia can offer, they will be referred to an appropriate external agency.
Reasonable adjustment
Reasonable adjustment means adjustments that can be made to the way in which evidence of student performance can be collected. Whilst reasonable adjustments can be made in terms of the way in which evidence of performance is gathered, the evidence criteria for making competent / not yet competent decisions (and / or awarding grades) should not be altered in any way.
That is, the standards expected should be the same irrespective of the group and / or individual being assessed; otherwise comparability of standards will be compromised.
Deferment, Cancelation and Withdrawal
Swiss Institute Australia recognises that a student’s circumstances can change throughout the course and that a student may choose to defer or withdraw from their course. Swiss Institute wishes students to achieve their educational goals, and as such and interruption to their course would only be agreed to as a last resort, however, should a student wish to terminate their course, Swiss Institute would ask that the student consider a deferment to allow for the student to resume their course should a change in the student’s circumstances occur. If the student definitely wishes to withdraw from the course then Swiss Institute will support that decision. To defer or withdraw from the course, the student will need to complete the Withdrawal/Deferment/Cancellation Application Form, this form is available from our administration staff. Cancellation occurs when Swiss Institute Australia has reached a decision to cancel a student’s enrolment. This cancellation is typically as a result of:- Significant student misconduct
- Failure to respond to communication attempts
- Failure to pay fees
- Other issues inconsistent with the student remaining within the college environment
Swiss Institute Australia makes every effort to practice cooperation and mutual respect in all internal and external dealings to uphold high quality, professional training and assessment services. The same disciplined behaviour is expected of students as a contribution to a functional learning environment, and as a sign of respect to staff and fellow students.Professional Behaviour
Swiss Institute Australia Management advises any trainer or staff member who is dissatisfied with the behaviour or performance of a student that they have the authority to:- Warn the student that their behaviour is unsuitable, or
- Ask a student to leave the class, without refund or acceptance into another course, or
- Immediately cancel the class.
Plagiarism /Cheating/Collusion
Definition Plagiarism is the "wrongful appropriation" and "purloining and publication" of another author's "language, thoughts, ideas or expressions," and the representation of them as one's own original work. Cheating is to act dishonestly or unfairly in order to gain an advantage. Collusion is acting in a secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy in order to deceive others. Policy Plagiarism, Cheating and Collusion are considered examples of academic dishonesty and a breach of journalistic ethics. They are subject to serious sanctions such as expulsion. It is quite reasonable to research material in the course of undertaking assessment, work together to learn and study, but in the end all assessments must be the students own work unless otherwise noted.- All reference sources must be clearly referenced.
- All assessments must be the students own work
- Using ‘Plagiarism Checker Tools’ to check potential source of information that has not been correctly accredited.
- Verifying references
- Comparing work between students
- Speaking to workplaces
Complaints and Appeals
Swiss Institute Australia has a defined complaints and appeals process that will enable student’s complaints and appeals are addressed effectively and efficiently.
Swiss Institute Australia strives to ensure that each student is satisfied with their learning experience and outcome. In the unlikely event that this is not the case, all students have access to rigorous, fair and timely complaint and appeal processes which are outlined in this section of the policy and procedures document. Any complaints or appeals will be reviewed as part of the continuous improvement process and where corrective action has been highlighted, it will be implemented as a priority.
A student may lodge a complaint regarding the RTO; Third Party; Subcontractor or Trainer. There is also provision for any and all interested stakeholders to make a complaint if they feel aggrieved. For example, a Trainer may lodge a complaint against a student.
Complaints Procedure
A complaints procedure is available to all persons wishing to make a complaint, appeal or any other manner of objection in relation to the conduct of Swiss Institute Australia . The complaints procedure will address both formal and informal complaints. All formal complaints must be submitted in writing to Swiss Institute Australia management and will be heard and addressed, including a response to the aggrieved person, within five (5) working days of receipt.
Swiss Institute Australia management will maintain a complaints register to document the course of action and resolution of all formal complaints. All complaints substantiated by the complaints procedure will be reviewed as part of the Swiss Institute Australia continuous improvement procedure.
It is the responsibility of Swiss Institute Australia management to ensure adherence to the complaint procedure and that resolution is sought in all reasonable circumstances. This includes informing and assisting students with the complaints procedure and supply of complaint forms.
If the student is still not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint after following and exhausting the complaints procedure, the student may contact ASQA and lodge a written complaint.
The form may be submitted by mail to:
Complaints Team
Australian Skills Quality Authority
PO BOX 9928
Sydney NSW 2001
Or via email to: complaints
The Swiss Institute Australia appeals process is concerned with a student’s right to request change to decisions or processes of an official nature, usually in relation to academic or procedural matters.
In the case of a student’s appeal against specific assessment decisions, the student should first discuss the decision(s) with the relevant trainer or assessor and request re-evaluation. The trainer or assessor will hear the student’s appeal, make fair judgement to the best of their ability as to whether change(s) are required and then discuss their final decision with the student.
If the student is still dissatisfied with the trainer or assessor’s decision, they have the right to take the appeal to the management team. The formal notice of appeal is required to comply with the following principles upon submission to management:
- The notice of appeal should be in writing, addressed to Swiss Institute Australia for referral to the management team and submitted within five (5) days of notification of the outcome of the trainer or assessors re-evaluation process.
- The notice of appeal must be submitted within the specified timeframe otherwise the original result will stand. If a student’s appeal needs to be deferred due to emergency circumstances, such as in the case of serious illness or injury, a medical certificate supporting the case must be forward to management. The notice of deferral must be submitted within three (3) working days of the conclusion date displayed on the medical certificate.
It is the responsibility of Swiss Institute Australia management to ensure adherence to the appeal procedure and that resolution is sought in all reasonable circumstances. This includes informing and assisting students with the appeal procedure and supply of appeal forms.
All appeals will be reviewed at the monthly management meeting and, if appropriate, result in a continuous improvement process.
If the student is still not satisfied with the resolution of the complaint after following and exhausting the appeals procedure, the student may contact ASQA and lodge a written complaint.
The form may be submitted by mail to:
Complaints Team
Australian Skills Quality Authority
PO BOX 9928
Sydney NSW 2001
Or via email to: complaints
Complaints / Appeals Procedure
All persons wishing to make a complaint, appeal or any other manner of objection in relation to the conduct of Swiss Institute Australia or any third party (such as other students, outsourced trainers, subcontractors, staff, trainers, assessors) have access to the following procedure:
Informal complaint / appeal:
- An initial complaint or appeal will involve the student communicating directly with Swiss Institute Australia verbally or by other appropriate means.
- All persons identified or subject to a complaint will be notified in writing of the content of the complaint and/or allegation and afforded all natural justice and procedural fairness response mechanisms
- Swiss Institute Australia management will make a decision, discuss their judgement with the student and record the outcome of the complaint or appeal
- Students dissatisfied with the outcome of Swiss Institute Australia ’s decision may initiate the formal complaint procedure
Formal complaint / appeal:
- It is normal procedure that all formal complaints proceed only after the initial informal complaint or appeal procedure has been finalised
- The formal complaint or appeal is to be submitted in writing, and the procedure and outcome recorded by Swiss Institute Australia management
- On receipt of a formal complaint, the CEO or a nominated senior management person independent of the complaint will notify the complainant in writing that they have received the submission.
- The CEO will convene the complaint committee to hear the complaint
- The complaint committee will consist of a panel of members with no previous involvement or vested interest in the outcome of the particular complaint or appeal. Members of the committee should include:
- A representative of Swiss Institute Australia management
- A Swiss Institute Australia staff member
- A person independent of Swiss Institute Australia (i.e. Richard Turner of TBS Consulting)
- The complainant / appellant shall be given an opportunity to present the case to the committee and may be accompanied by one (1) other person as support or as representation
- Staff member(s) involved shall be given an opportunity to present their case to the committee and may be accompanied by one (1) other person as support or as representation
- The complaint committee will reach a decision on the complaint or appeal after consideration of each case presented
- The complaint committee will inform all parties involved of the outcome in writing within five (5) working days of making the decision
All complaints and appeals will be reviewed at Swiss Institute Australia monthly management meeting. Continuous improvement procedures may be actioned when the complaint / appeal procedure results in identification of factors appropriate for improvement to internal operations. When the initial causative factor of the complaint identifies a problem with current Swiss Institute Australia policies and / or procedures, the continuous improvement procedure will ensure changes are made to prevent reoccurrence of the problem.
Delayed processes
In the unusual circumstances where a delay in the complaint or appeal process occurs, where longer than sixty (60) calendar days are required to process and finalise the complaint or appeal, Swiss Institute Australia will inform the complainant or appellant in writing. In line with the importance that Swiss Institute Australia places on open and transparent processes and communication, the first written communication will be made at five (5) days. From that point, the complainants or appellant will be regularly updated on the progress of the matter. Including reasons why more time is required.
Acknowledgement declaration
I acknowledge that I, , have received, read and fully understood the contents of this student handbook, which outlines the conditions of my rights and responsibilities as a student of Swiss Institute Australia .
Name of Witness Signature of Witness
AQF Australian Qualification Framework
AQTF The Australian Quality Training Framework
ASQA Australian Skill Quality Authority
ATO Australian Taxation Office
AVETMISS Australian Vocational Education and Training Management Information Statistical Standard
BAS Business Activity Statement
CAL The Copyright Agency Ltd
CEO Chief Executive Officer
COAG Council of Australian Governments
COAGISC Council of Australian Governments Industry and Skills Council
CPA Certified Practicing Account
CQI Continuous Quality Improvement
CV Curriculum Vitae
EFTPOS Electronic Funds Transfer Point of Sale
GST Goods, Services Tax
ISC Industry Skills Council
JP Justice of the Peace
MS Access Microsoft Access
MS Excel Microsoft Excel
NCVER National Centre for Vocational Education Research
NQC National Quality Council
NRT Nationally Recognised Training
NVR National Vet Regulator
NGO Non-Government Organisation
OHS Occupational Health and Safety
PDF Portable Document Format
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
QI Quality Indicators
RTO Registered Training Organisation
SRTO Standards of RTOs 2015
ANALYSIS Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats Analysis
SSO Skills Service Organisation
TAE Training and Education
TESTAMUR Certificate of Merit or Proficiency
USI Unique Student Identifier
VET Vocational Education and Training
WHS Work Health and Safety