Swiss Institute Australia is committed to the fair treatment of all of its clients and persons seeking to enroll with us. We apply to access and equity principles through all of our policies and procedures to promote full and equal participation of all student’s in our courses, to foster an environment free of discrimination and harassment and to assist students to identify and achieve their desired outcomes.
We will ensure that prior to enrolment prospective clients receive clear and accurate information regarding the course, training, assessment, services and Commonwealth assistance provided to enable them to make an informed decision about the suitability of the course and our institution for their individual needs.
In the selection and treatment of students, Swiss Institute Australia will take into account educational disadvantages that a particular trainee has experienced or the fact that the trainee may be enrolled via a VET restricted access arrangement.
Swiss Institute Australia has a dispute resolution procedure to provide students with a fair and equitable process for resolving any disputes or complaints they may have. The procedure will be explained during orientation in the first training session.
All students are employees of a client organization and their behavior is subject to the requirements of their employer.
Swiss Institute Australia is committed to developing and maintaining an effective, timely, fair and equitable grievance handling system that is easily accessible and offered to complainants at no charge.
We aim to:
- Develop a culture that views grievances as an opportunity to improve our organisation and how it works;
- Set in place a grievance handling system that is client focussed and prevents grievances from recurring;
- Ensure that any grievances are resolved promptly, objectively and with sensitivity and in complete confidentiality;
- Ensure that the views of each complainant and respondent are respected and that any party to a grievance is not discriminated against nor victimised;
- Ensure that there is a consistent response to grievances.
A grievance can be about any aspect of Swiss Institute Australia ’s services and activities, including both academic and non-academic matters, for example, the enrolment, induction/orientation process.
Students are always encouraged, wherever possible, to resolve concerns or difficulties informally with the person(s) concerned. There is support staff available to assist the resolution of issues at this level. Complainants may raise an informal grievance by contacting the Training Manager in person at Suite 1103 470 Collins St Melbourne Victoria 3000 Australia or by phoning 1300 001 253.
Where concerns or difficulties cannot be resolved informally, a staged process as described in our policy and procedure is to be followed. This allows the external appeal.
Note that the trainee’s enrolment status will be maintained while the grievance handling process is ongoing.
- Students who are concerned about the conduct of Swiss Institute Australia are encouraged to attempt to resolve their concerns using this complaint procedure.
- All disputes will be handled professionally and confidentially in order to achieve a satisfactory resolution.
- All parties will have a clear understanding of the steps involved in the complaint procedure
- All complaints will be managed fairly and equitably and as efficiently as possible
- Swiss Institute Australia will resolve any complaints fairly and equitably within five (5) working days.
- Students may raise any matters of concern relating to training delivery and assessment, the quality of the teaching, trainee amenities, discrimination, sexual harassment and other issues that may arise.
- Swiss Institute Australia will encourage the parties to approach a complaint with an open view and to attempt to resolve problems through discussion and conciliation. Where a complaint cannot be resolved through discussion and conciliation, we acknowledge the need for an appropriate external and independent agent to mediate between the parties.
- Students are entitled to resolve any dispute by exercising their rights to other legal remedies. Students wishing to take this course of action are advised to contact a solicitor; or contact the Swiss Institute Australia, Suite 1103 470 Collins St Melbourne Victoria 3000 phone 1300 001 253 for a referral to a solicitor.
- If students are unsatisfied with the outcome of a complaint after following the complaints procedure, students may contact officers of the ASQA on 1300 001 253. Nothing contained in this dispute resolution procedure prevents a trainee from exercising their rights to other legal remedies.
Students are encouraged to formally register their complaint by completing the trainee Student Grievance and Complaint form and submitting it to the course administrator.
The date of submission of a complaint is noted on the electronic trainee records file.
The details of the grievance, procedures followed and outcome are place in the trainee electronic file.
Any trainee with a complaint may raise the matter with the other party concerned. A meeting can be requested by the trainee, at which time the complaint may be raised and a resolution sought.
Should the complaint remain unresolved following local level resolution or if local level resolution is inappropriate then the trainee should contact the General/Training Manager and arrange a meeting. At this meeting the complaint can be raised and a resolution attempted.
At this stage:
- the complaint must be recorded in writing and signed and dated by the complainant and the General/Training Manager
- the outcome of the complaint must be recorded in writing and signed and dated by the complainant and the General/Training Manager
If resolution at a local level or by the General/Training Manager does not occur, or is inappropriate then the trainee may appeal and the General/Training Manager must appoint, at no expense to the trainee, an independent external arbiter to review the complaint and propose a resolution. The independent, external arbiter is the Institute of Arbitrators and Mediators Australia must be acceptable to both parties.
At this stage:
- the appeal must be recorded in writing and signed and dated by the complainant and the General/Training Manager
- the outcome of the appeal must be recorded in writing and signed and dated by the complainant and the General/Training Manager
Swiss Institute Australia is committed to providing a healthy and safe workplace and the elimination of work-related injuries and illness for all employees and clients. Swiss Institute Australia has a systematic approach to managing health and safety and is committed to regular review and continuous improvement of its health and safety performance. Relevant health and safety information and training are provided to all employees and we ensure an adequate level of supervision with respect to working in a safe and healthy manner.

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